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Life garden in in continual cycles

Your Soul Ecology: Tools for Your Life Garden Part II

It’s time to step into your Life Garden. This time we’re going to reveal just how your Soul Ecology operates as you learn to live a more conscious and fulfilling life. Hope you enjoy Part II of this season’s musings.

Missed Part I?
Click here to get up to date on some soul gardening musts from Part I.

Tend your Life Garden and live in full, abundant soul expression.

You want a rich harvest, right? Who wouldn’t love to have the life garden of his or her dreams? But stuff has happened, stuff happens, stuff will happen and life gets in the way sometimes.

We have developed a powerful visual tool to use when guiding you from a life that barely produces to one of abundance. I call this your Soul Ecology Cycle. Follow the visual reference to the cycle of your Life Purpose and your Life Lesson as it courses from the Exalted to the Vicious ends of the cycle and back again. And you’ll get to read about some examples of this. If you have been a student or client of mine and not figured out how you Soul Ecology works, give it a go.

Your fingerprints, indelibly imprinted 5 months before you were born, reveal your Life Purpose potential – your highest calling and where you feel most fulfilled. These unique prints of yours also contain the obstacle that you face in embracing that potential. We call that obstacle your Life Lesson. The main thing you are here to work. What you’re most unconcious about.

Your Soul Ecology Cycle looks like this figure 8. If you are growing more aware of you Life Lesson and learning to express your Life Purpose, then your Life Lesson goes to the exalted position along side your Life Purpose. If you are trying to sweep your Life Lesson under the rug, deny it, ignore it, circumstances escalate. As a result, your Life Purpose goes belly up and heads down to join your Life Lesson challenges in the Vicious Cycle.

Your Life Garden Needs Tending – here are 2 examples of how the Soul Ecology Cycle works to benefit you.

  • Example 1Life Purpose–Healer or the Inspirational Communicator. This is someone who has the ability to inspire others to take action to heal on their own behalf. Life Lesson is Powerlessness or making Power Errors.

Exalted version: She is doing well working on her Life Lesson and she is stepping up as a healer. Her Life Lesson then becomes part of her Life Purpose path – to be an influential healer. She is making a powerful impact as an inspirational communicator.

Vicious version: She is ignoring her Life Lesson and experiencing power struggles, doubt and indecisiveness thus her Life Purpose flips upside down and slides into Vicious land. She becomes isolated, withdrawn and not trusting her inner voice. This is the underbelly of her Life Purpose as the healer.

  •  Example 2: Life Purpose–the Artist, the Individualist in the Spotlight. Life Lesson is about self worth, self sabotage and guilt. Same process in the cycle described in Example 1.

Exalted version: All systems go for his Life Purpose and he is growing more aware of how the Life Lesson shows up everyday.  Now he becomes the mentor/standard bearer in the spotlight (the exalted version of this Life Lesson). A one of a kind, appreciated, applauded mentor for others to step out of low self esteem into the spotlight of their dreams.

Vicious version: Lo, he is avoiding his soul work and the vicious cycle begins. With low self esteem and self sabotage he feels guilty and unworthy. So much that his Life Purpose heads south into the vicious cycle. The inverse of the Artist/Individualist life purpose has many faces. To name a few – creative blocks, conforming, hiding out, defending or masking his true individuality, needy, fearful of rejection, apathetic and not sure where he belongs.

Do you want to be an example? Your soul will thank you?

Got a glimpse, a feel for what it might be like in this continual flow of the Soul Ecology Cycle?  If you want your Life Garden to be healthy and productive, then become familiar with the continual up and down of the cycle. Your unique Exalted and Vicious cycles can be the grand plan for this year’s garden. Happy tending! May your harvest be rich.

Offer for a little Life Garden Tending – Schedule a Soul Ecology Session with me

Contact me if you want to work with me on your Soul Ecology! Calling all former students and clients of mine. This is a prefect addition to the session (s) you’ve already had. A time to go deeper into cultivating your Life Purpose while managing the many masks of your Life Lesson.

New to hand analysis? We can incorporate your Soul Ecology Cycle into your initial session with me.

1 thought on “Your Soul Ecology: Tools for Your Life Garden Part II”

  1. Another excellently explained and fascinating view of how our hands can be a map to successfully navigate our lives. Thank you! 🙂

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