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Happy Interdependence Day
….INTER-dependence Day – my new name for the 4th of July in the U.S. Why not declare your INTER-dependence today? What can we learn from

Heart Mastery – Beyond Sad, Glad and Mad
HERE’S TO HEART MASTERY! Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone. Flowers, chocolates fly off the shelves. How about a special gift that will last

Listening is an Act of Love
Can you remember a time when you felt truly heard? If so, you might have said to yourself “she gets what I mean; he understands

Star of Pluto: Radical Transformation or Upheaval and Destruction
Today let’s explore the Star of Pluto, one of the rarer gift markers in the hand. First a short description of Pluto often equated with

The Gift of Intention – Super Manifestation vs. Dependence or Manifesting for Others
This Gift is all about the Thumb, especially the upper zone or Crown Chakra. Do you have a star formation in the upper joint of

Take the 80/20 Challenge with Me • Be a Communication Wizard
The 80/20 Challenge to test your communication skills. Can you get your message across? Did you really listen to what she said? Are you nervous