Happy Summer Solstice– here in the Northern Hemisphere anyway.
Finally, gardening season is at hand here in the North. We’ve had a late start after a wet and cold Spring. That’s New England – you never know what each year will bring. In this climate, you have to be ready for the ups and downs in the garden.
Are you getting your hands dirty this season? Are you prepared for the unknown as the growing season comes into full swing? What is the unique ecology of your garden? What kind of gardener are you? How do you prepare for the unexpected?
Hint: You don’t have to be a gardener to benefit from my garden analogy, I promise.
What do all these questions about gardening, have to do with your Soul Ecology – the topic of this article? I help my clients and students answer these questions as if they are in a real garden. As a hand analyst, I believe that your soul is brimming with rich nutrients and is eager to give you a luscious harvest. This can’t happen unless you become an expert in your own life garden.
This is Part I of II on Soul Ecology
So let’s dig in and see what emerges from your Soul Soil. I’m going to apply the principles of garden ecology to your soul journey – I like to call it your Soul Ecology. The key is how conscious you are about your ups and downs, whether you notice common patterns and how well you prepare for the inevitable cycles of life so that you can reap an abundant harvest.
First step as a gardener? Have a map of your ideal garden for the coming year. Ah, maybe you don’t have a plan; you are so skilled and experienced you just start tilling and planting! That’s for the advanced soul gardener! For many of us, though, we need to start with some sort of a layout and the proper tools to plan for the garden cycles as the months go by.
Your Soul Ecology – How it Works
So here’s the deal …. When it comes to Soul Ecology, it’s all about perspective. You have to start from you’re soul’s perspective. For the past 19 years, I have helped people discover and live their highest potential – their Life Purpose and uncover what is getting in the way of living it – their Life Lesson. Like the vagaries of the seasons and the varying energy and expertise you have to prepare for the harvest, it’s important to understand how the cycle of your soul works. Your Life Purpose and Life Lesson, found in your fingerprints are entwined and continually in a cycle. The full spectrum of this cycle includes the Exalted and the Vicious versions.
[In Part II, we’ll look at some real examples of how this works and I’ll invite you to work with me on your Soul Ecology Cycle.]
Now onto the business of soul gardening, perspective and reaping the harvest. You want to reap the luscious rewards of all your hard work, right? Who wouldn’t love to have the life of her or his dreams? But stuff has happened, stuff happens, stuff will happen.
Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht, an old Yiddish adage meaning “Man Plans; God Laughs”
So you lost a bit of yourself in this truth. Have you every heard yourself saying:
- I was so clueless in my 20’s and 30’s – I wasted a lot of time and I am trying to play catch up
- I’m in my 50’s and still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up
- I have spent most of my adult years raising my children (and my husband), I don’t even know who I am
- I’m so ready for a shift. I know there is so much more for me, but I am not sure what that is
What if you became so familiar with the soul ecology cycle of your Life Purpose and Life Lesson consciousness that you woke up everyday feeling that cycle operating and adjusting as you go through you day? You witness your life garden pathways unfolding? Like magic! Those statements about yourself would fade into memory. You planted some seeds and brought them to full harvest. You have enough soul abundance to share with friends and family!!
It’s not ALL roses, of course – hence the exalted and vicious ends of cycles we’re talking about. The upsides and downsides of life are essential to becoming more YOU! This journey prepares you for the inevitable pests, blight, drought or flood that comes your way. And prepares you to embrace all the treasures that your life garden produces.
So let’s cycle away in Part II of this topic. Now you can go to part II without waiting!
In short, start from this higher soul plane, look fully at your soul ecology as it cycles up and down and around. This is an essential first step and anchor to design the life garden you came here to harvest. Thanks to my dear friend and colleague, Ronelle Coburn, who named this cycle the Soul Psychology, I have a powerful visual tool to use when guiding you from a life that barely produces to one of abundance. I call it the Soul Ecology Cycle.
Again, go to PART II for some real examples of the Cycle, my special offer and more on the power of the right perspective. Happy Gardening.
And if you’re eager right now to get your hands dirty, contact me and we’ll do a little soul gardening for you. That is take you through your Soul Ecology Cycle.
May nature be your guide,
~ Janet
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