What if your Life Purpose is in the Moon?
You’re going to love these 3 fabulous seekers and meaning makers. Over the past weeks, I was privileged to interview 3 individuals who hold their Life Purpose in the palm of their hands – literally! Hoping for a 4th interview as a bonus. Stay tuned!
Listen to and watch Brandon (audio only), Anne and Matthew share their special stories. To get ready, here is some information to help you enrich your listening. You’ll find all the interviews at the end of this article.
Some background to frame the stories
For those of you who may not know, our system of Hand Analysis, a.k.a. modern palmistry with a scientific base, helps you discover your soul purpose through you fingerprints. For most of us, our Life Purpose and what’s getting in the way of living it fully are revealed in our fingerprints – that’s right, those unique “skin carvings” in the upper section of your fingers.

The folks I interviewed, however, have the main signature of their Life Purpose carved deep in the palm of their hands – in the Mount of the Moon. The good news is that they have the potential to delve into the depths of what it means to be human and to return to bring insight and understanding to those of us in crisis of meaning. We sometimes call this Life Purpose the Spiritual Teacher. Once you listen to Brandon’s, Anne’s and Matthew’s stories, you’re going to see how rich and wide this life purpose really is.
To get the most out of the interviews, I recommend you review this chart showing the upside and downside potential for this rare Life Purpose.

And then read this article on the gift markers that reside in the moon: Are You a Moon Walker? Gift Markers brought to you by Luna (the Moon).
Having a gift in the moon has a similar flavor to the Moon Purpose I’m featuring in this article. The challenge for the Moon Life Purpose is that it is much harder to access then a Life Purpose found in your fingerprints and may just have harsher penalties if not accessed and developed. In other words, the likelihood of reaching the depths of crisis, isolation etc. is greater. Once the owner of this life purpose, finds that path back to the light, look out! Deep stuff indeed! What a call to cosmic duty? To help others find their path out of despair and crisis.
And Now for the Interviews
Are you ready to go on this journey to the Moon and back with them? Three audios (Brandon’s is an audio only) and 2 videos all 25 to 30 minutes. Worth every minute, trust me!
Brandon –
At end of the interview, Brandon recites a poem he wrote especially for the occasion. WOW!
You’ll see the Moon Whorls on the videos for Anne and Matthew. Here is Brandon’s Whorl on his Left Hand with a bonus “skin carving” in his Right Hand Moon. You’ll have to listen to find out why it’s so juicy!
Anne- Oh, Gentle Wise Woman
Wonderful stories! Amazing people.
Now for your amazing. If you want to explore the markers in your Moon Mount, Contact Me and we’ll set something up.