
THE GOOD CONVERSATIONS SERIES Starts early NOVEMBER 2024. Join us ONLINE for a 3 part series for some good conversations in the group and out in the world. Come away with new tools to connect and to be heard. Improve the quality of your relationships and change the world along the way! Email me to find out more.

LEVEL I HAND ANALYSIS TRAINING LIVE-IN PERSON Training, Spring 2025, Burlington VT • ONLINE Training, schedule varys. Email me for details. Visit our Study Page to delve more deeply

Live your highest self every day

What the Heck is Life Purpose and Why Should I Care?

Let’s start with what Life Purpose it is not!

>Life Purpose (LP) is not about what you are good at.  Name something……..Numbers, Skiing, Painting…this is a talent not your LP.

>Life Purpose is not your value system or opinions: These can change over time – more or less conservative or liberal, feel strongly about something in your 20’s that now seems frivolous

>It is not a goal that you set: 2014 Olympic medal. You arrive there, reach your goal or not and that’s it, on to the next goal. Buy a house etc etc. Your LP is to be expressed until you take your last breath.

>Life Purpose is not your career Niche: That’s more a personality expression although your career does need to reflect your unique LP.  Many have chosen professions based on their tangible personality archetype – Myers Briggs, but miss out on the higher plane of Life Purpose expression which may send you in a whole different career direction.

Our values, talents and skills are more reflective of our Personality Psychology – revealed in your hands – fingers, palm, lines. Many things reflected in your hands shift as we experience life. Your Soul Purpose never changes! LP goes way beyond these things.


So What is Life Purpose?  who are you? who were you born to be. Life Purpose exploration time!

A life scale sense of fulfillment, a deep sense of meaning and place. Where you know you are expressing your highest potential – those AH HA and AHHHHH moments!  It’s how you yearn to contribute in this life on this planet.

Your Life Purpose  is infused in everything you do. Right place at right time, wake up smiling, energized, free, feeling capable of taking on what ever life throws at you.

IN short – Life Purpose is a WAY OF BEING! It offers you that Eagle’s perspective flying over your LIFE GARDEN taking in all that you were born to harvest. That totem or centerpiece in the garden of your life. And your life purpose was indelibly imprinted in your Fingerprints 5 months before you were born!

You are here to build the language of your highest self, really your Soul Purpose. Here today and here in this lifetime!

To really embody your Life Purpose experience is required. To test and experience your life purpose on a daily basis you must take action/test the waters/face the tough stuff/the road blocks…so you can build the muscles to step up to your Life Purpose.

Are you ready to discover, claim and live Life Purpose?  Oh and take a look at what’s getting in your way? We call that one your Life Lesson or the Shadow. Let’s chat… GO HERE!

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