Who comes to mind when you think of the mythological god Mars? The brave warrior, the protector, the hero, the belligerent bully, one who endures?…..It’s all about mustering the right kind of courage
All of these traits are possible for someone with Mars dominant in their hands. Add a star of Mars and you get exceptional courage – the advanced warrior. Assuming of course that you’re living the upside potential of this powerful gift.
Join me as we take a look at the Gift Marker found in the Mars zone in the palm of your hand, including
- Location
- Upside and Downside of the Gift
- By example, A Short Story

What’s the Upside of the Gift of Courage?

If you own this star, here are some upside possibilities:
- Fortitude/backbone/endurance
- Willingness to face your fears
- Willingness to take a risk
- Bravery in the face of conflict
- Can manage confrontation if needed
You’re at your courageous best when:
- Fighting for a cause/for the underdog
- Taking a stand with honor
- Protecting others who may not be able to protect themselves
Mars is Yang energy – action par excellence! What kind of warrior do you need to be? Where do you need courage and endurance
Relationships: Do I dare say no, say yes, reveal my vulnerabilities
Sales: Do I dare to put my services or wares out there in a highly competitive world and face rejection
Creative Expression: Do I dare share my writing, painting, dancing, …..you name it. And do it despite criticism and rejection?
Illness or disability: Do I have the coping skills? Am I brave enough to fight the good fight and make peace with what I cannot control?
Phobias: Will I let my phobias – public spaces, germs, paranoia control me or do I have the courage to manage them and prevail? Who will be my allies?
Injustices: Am I a champion of the environment (think Erin Brockovich), of racial injustice (think Rosa Parks), of stamping our sexual violence (the #MeToo movement) and willing to fight for justice?
Name your own causes and heroes, please!
I think you get the idea….a true warrior expresses courage in many different ways in lots of arenas. Remember, if you have the star of courage and you’re not living up to the hero you are meant to be, the penalty will hit you upside the head. Not the kind of “fight” you want.
What’s the Downside of the Gift of Courage?
If you own this star, here are some downside possibilities:
- Cowardice in the face of confrontation or unexpected challenges
- Fear controlling your actions and clouding your ability to see the situation clearly
- Others fear you because you bully them
- Rage directing your actions
Here’s a test: When faced with Danger or a Challenge– what do you do?
- Run and Hide – not a bad strategy at times (a true warrior knows when to retreat or to back off). But if this is your default, then maybe you’re not mustering the courage you need to act on your own behalf or for others less able
- Go on the offensive – Necessary at times if you’re trying to change the status quo or advocating for a loved one. But not becoming a belligerent bully exploding pent up fury on anyone nearby. This is macho gone bad. A good strategy here is to retreat and reflect – why am I so angry? Why did I explode now? Who was the target? Did they deserve it? NOTE: This is not a way to get results even if they “evil bullies” themselves.
I leave you with this question and a short story.
If there was a cause you’d be willing to fight, what would it be and for whom?
Being Brave in 2018–a short story:
This has been a year of courageous action for me and for many of my friends and family.
Chapter 1 – Winter in Vermont – extreme weather events:
I’m a Vermonter. You have to have fortitude and be courageous during our harsh winters. What do you do when the wind is howling and it’s minus 15 F/-26 C? You could stay home, curled up with a book and a cup of tea. Essential sometimes. A friend, reminded me, in order to make peace with the climate (a warrior does wage peace sometimes) you’ve got to go out everyday no matter the weather. Another said, she loves weather that “talks back”. I think these 2 friends embody the notion of fortitude and doing what it takes to survive (and actually enjoy facing the winter with courage and pride.)
And during these months of cold and snow and ice, making sure you help others who can’t navigate the weather. Remember, this is another role of a warrior – as protector of the most vulnerable.
Now contemplate facing the fires and hurricanes and mudslides that are increasing in number and intensity. You may have been the victim. Give yourself a high five for surviving and finding the courage it took to endure and overcome.
Chapter 2 – Facing strangers using the courage of your convictions
Another kind of courage is having a cause and being brave so that you can persist and prevail. I’ve been active in our elections in the US during 2018. I had to muster a lot of courage to knock on doors and talk to strangers who ranged from open and welcoming to threatening and full rage. From door to door I never knew who was going to answer. I am proud of my role as activist and advocate – another role of a warrior. And proud to be working for a cause the help my community and my country.
NOTE: Good warriors are respectful of others and acutely aware of their surroundings.
Chapter 3- Facing Illness and Death
And yet another kind of courage is needed when our loved ones fall ill, are disabled or die. It seems like 2018 challenged us to face all of the above. Have you been tested to step up, to be brave even when you feel helpless to, well, help them? It takes a special kind of courage to support those who are in pain and disabled. How many times have you seen people, even loved ones, shy away from being completely present as they try to avoid their own discomfort – walking away from the pain? True warriors are bold, present and open in the face of this kind of difficulty. Facing your own fears, perhaps of mortality, in order to help another.
Go forth and grow the courage you need to face life as a hero and a warrior! And if you want to explore more gift markers, GO HERE Have fun.
~ Janet