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the rarest of gifts with the highest potential

The Pure Heart vs. Broken Heart


Definition: without malice, treachery, or evil intent; honest; sincere; guileless

This gift marker is the rarest of all the gift markers in the hand. In the 10’s of thousands of hands I’ve read, I’ve seen only 3.

Open heartedness is a rare gift to be shared

A pure heart is the highest form of potential and the hardest to maintain. As with all gift markers in our series, it comes with a penalty. Let’s explore:

• Where it is and what it looks like in the hand
• The Upside potential as a gift
• The Downside possibilities when the heart is troubled
• Two short stories about 2 Pure Hearts
• Messages for all of us from the Pure Heart

The Pure Heart – Where is it and what to look for?

A undamaged heart line

These 2 examples show the heart line starting under the pinky finger and crossing the palm as it curves up to touch the index finger. Nurturer heart lines also travel between these 2 points. What makes this a pure heart vs. a nurturer heart line? A Pure Heart has virtually no glitches – that is bubbles, doubling, breaks, lines splintering or fraying during it’s journey to the index finger. You can have this line on either or both hands.

NOTE: The heart line is often the most damaged line in the hand. Not surprising as it is about your emotional communication style. And we all know relationships don’t always come with communication manual! Hence the damage shows communication breakdowns – the tracks of what it means to be human in relationship to another.

So if you own a pure heart with not glitches, does this mean you’ve had no relationship challenges or you’ve been in a monastery all your life? No! It means you were born with this gift and the upsides are powerful indeed. And the downsides if your not living in your pure heart energy can be devastating.

Upsides of the Pure Heart – when in full expression

“ Pure heart is the greatest temple in the world.

Don’t believe the smiling face. Believe the smiling heart.

They are very rare.”

~ Source unknown – Attributed to several individuals

  • Open and accepting vs. suspicious and judgmental
  • Gentle
  • Compassionate
  • Giving
  • Generous of Spirit
  • Unguarded flow of affection
  • Guileless
  • Pure intentions
  • Feels our need and attends to it
  • Lives for truth, beauty and love

Downsides of the Pure Heart – when in penalty

  • Naiveté – Innocence personified
  • Can’t believe others would ……..
  • Boundary challenges – taken advantage of/victimized
  • The Martyr – ­ being taken for granted
  • Has too large, too small or inappropriate circle for blossoming their gift
  • Broken Heart – closed up/protected like a delicate cactus flower shriveled and surrounded by sharp thorns; withdrawn and isolated and hopeless

Two stories – Two Pure Hearts

I have been fortunate to call 2 of the 3 Pure Hearts I’ve met in my 20 years as a hand analyst my friends. I’ll call them Maria and Beth.

Maria has spent 50 years nurturing others as a body worker. She is a witness to those dying. She performs rituals to help in the transition or simply sits in silence as they go through the phases of death. She has been married to her second husband for 25 years and recently was a loving, openhearted witness to her 1st husband’s transition.

She has never advertised or gone to networking events – people simply are drawn to her and want to support her in many ways. Her 1st husband has been part of her support network. She knows how to nurture from a place of pure love and I have benefited greatly over the years.

When she was a young woman, she gave her body and her heart in risky ways. Somehow her pure open heartedness protected her.

And she feels the pain of the world beyond measure and can not listen to the news…remember – “I can’t believe anyone would do …….?

Beth has 2 adult children and several grandchildren. She was married only once and very briefly. Her early adult years were troubled – difficult relationships with her children; rocky partnerships, emotional darkness and financial challenges. She even had years of prickly relationships with her son-in-laws.

Despite the downside possibilities of the Pure Heart described here, I often think of her as one with the purest of intentions. She is like an imp at times with a twinkle in her eye, ready for the next adventure. When I have been in a support group with her, she may not say much, but when she does, it’s the perfect gem to support whatever is going on for the other person. I have learned so much from her about suspending judgment, practicing compassion and giving from the heart.

Like Maria, Beth has angels all around her – a patron who helps her financially, relatives that support her travels. I’m jealous and in awe of how the Pure Heart operates within her. NOTE: Jealousy would NOT be on the Pure Heart’s list of behaviors 🙂

Messages for all of us from one of Pure Heart

Messages for all of us to live through your highest intentions

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