
THE GOOD CONVERSATIONS SERIES Starts mid APRIL 2024. Join us ONLINE for a 3 part series for some good conversations in the group and out in the world. Come away with new tools to connect and to be heard. Improve the quality of your relationships and change the world along the way! Email me to find out more.

ENROLLMENT IS OPEN • Spring 2024 LIVE-IN PERSON Level I Hand Analysis Intensive Training in Burlington VT • Late April-dates TBD. Download the course description: Live Level I Intensive Training. Interested our ONLINE training? Email me for details.

Talk to a Stranger • Change the World • Part II

Back again with Part II of our  Talk to a Stranger – “Change the World” challenge.

In Part I, I asked you to start conversations with strangers in a safe environment – those in “your tribe”.  If you missed Part I – Go Here.  I got some interesting feedback from those of you who tried it out. One person said she does this all the time and it makes her day….her daughter agrees!

Did you try it? How did it feel? What kind of responses did you get? How many smiles? If it made your day and someone else’s day, keep ‘em coming.


Level 2 change the world challenge

Now I have the level 2 change the world challenge – let’s up the ante for this round.

You might feel comfortable with your tribe – identified by how they look. Or maybe they are in an organization you belong to or they are in the neighborhood.

How about stepping out of your comfort zone? This is where world changing stuff can really happen.

To lower the discomfort factor and to have more fun, I recommend that you invite a friend(s) to join you in the challenge. And as in the 1st challenge, set a goal and be accountable to your “team mates”.


First stop in the change the world challenge:

Greet someone with a smile or a simple hello – someone who is NOT part of your tribe:

Ideas – a homeless person, a person of a different color, a different religion; someone who looks grumpy. Practice that for a while.




Now try engaging someone from one of these groups – If you’re waiting in a line, or sitting in a park or in a jury waiting room, or or….be creative. Talk to a stranger; change the wortld

You don’t have to go out of your way to start a conversation.

They might be suspicious if you run up to them eager to talk!  Take the opportunity when it’s presented. And expect to learn something.

How about someone you know or you just met who has different political views? That’s a tough one these days since we’re so polarized.

My story: Some of you know that besides reading hands, I’m an activist. Lately I’ve been calling folks in a NY swing district. Most of the people I’ve spoken to are of a very different political persuasion. Instead of getting upset and trying to argue, I listened attentively, asked them what was important to them, thanked them for their time. I came away feeling we made a human to human connection and that they felt listened to. ( I hope!) Yes, I did have to bite my tongue a few times. And I’m so glad I had the opportunity to talk to these folks outside of my bubble.


And here’s something else you can try….a different kind of change the world challenge

I think you’ll be surprised at the response.

Change the world. What have you always wanted to do?


When you have an opportunity to have a conversation with substance, try this out on the person you’re talking with.

We all have dreams. Being reminded of those dreams might nourish a seed that has been waiting to sprout.


So – are you game???

Got your own ideas…PLEASE share them. And send me any AH HA moments you have if you take this on.

Let’s change the world together one person at a time!

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