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Three ways to be authentically you

Step In, Step Up, Step Out • Be My Ideal Client

Three ways to experience a little more of YOU this Holiday Season so that you are ready to slip into something more comfortable in the coming year.

The goal is to challenge you to become my ideal client. OMG!  Welcome to the lights, the festivities, the family fun, the giving ….the Joy and STRESS of the Holiday Season. I want to give you a small gift this season – a template and some resources – to help you claim a tad more of yourself during the “gotta gotta” activity over the Holidays. I invite you to check out my “perfect client list” to see if you can identify with some of the qualities. Then you might want to go through the STEP IN, STEP UP, STEP OUT process with me or with someone you trust so that you can get a fresh start for the New Year.  Sorry no time for me, you might say. Hmmm…..And why not?  And if not, at what cost to you and those around you?  Start with these 2 questions in mind.

This gift was conceived from a question that a colleague asked me the other day. “Janet, who is your ideal client?” She is trying to figure out her business niche, who she wanted to serve.  Years ago I would have answered, “why, I serve anyone looking for more success, meaning and balance in her/his life.”

In the 19 years I have been in business as a Hand Analyst, my 1st level filters for an ideal client are:  My ideal client stands out in commitment and clarityWho is in a significant transition in life? Who do I want to work with? Who is most likely to really do what it takes to claim the life they really want? It’s still hard to limit myself – since all sorts of people come to me. This is not helpful tho’ in attracting the best fit. So I thought I’d share my “IDEAL CLIENT” list with you.

I encourage fellow practitioners – if you have not done it already – to do this Perfect Client exercise so that you can attract the right people to your business.  Recall your past clients. Who benefited the most? How did you feel about working with them? Do some guided imagery to gather your vision for your ideal client. Then do some attracting!

I encourage my readers, if you are really looking to try on something new in your life, to check this out and see if you “qualify” as a candidate for staying the course no matter how choppy the waters. NO, you don’t have to be a woman!  But you do have to be committed to doing what it takes to enter the DISCOMFORT ZONE OF CHANGE!

What does this have to do with the Holiday Season? Yes, it’s the time to extend yourself. Stretch too much and it might snap back in your face or break. You have a body, a mind, a heart to take care of, and maybe a business to boot. Why not spend a little more time on YOU – just spending the few minutes reading my musings here might help to reclaim something you need right now!

My Ideal Client:

  • A woman on the move and on the brink
  • Age: 35 to 80
  • Someone in a significant life transition: divorced, widowed, empty-nester; retiree who is determined to do it differently in this phase of her life
  • Small business person who wants to push to the next level of her business or an employee who can’t stand it anymore and has a great idea for a small business but is scared to death and doesn’t know where to start
  • An artist who is facing creative blocks
  • And, most importantly, someone committed to step in, step up and step out

The Step In, Step Up and Step Out process

I take my clients through this process. You can do some of this yourself. To travel through this 3 step process and to get some great resources for the journey, read on.

The key word here is commitment. Change is tough and resistance is inevitable. Believe me, I face that tension every day – I want it but I avoid doing the work. What will it take for you to create the change you want? I don’t give you answers; I help you uncover and claim what you already know to be true. That way you can move beyond resistance into the life you came here to live.


First Phase of the “I Wanna Change” process is to identify who you are at your core using your fingerprints. We call this your highest calling or your Life Purpose.  The key to getting clearer and clearer about this is to understand at a Soul level what is getting in the way of living it every day. This is your Life Lesson.

Another important piece here is to find opportunities to Unhook.  To take a look at ways you might give yourself away to others thus losing sight of what you really want and need. I can name your Life Purpose and help you translate it for your life. But if you are not clear about what you really want and need, then your eye on the bigger prize will be distracted by your obligations. Especially during the holidays just as you’re planning for the upcoming year.

We are in the middle of the joy and challenge of the Holiday Season – listen to what you and others around you say about your/their obligations, your/their stress.  Where does the pressure come from?  Inside or out? How do you lose yourself during this time? I believe that you can not truly give unless you have learned to receive. Start by unhooking. Discover, claim and ask for what you NEED AND WANT. This goes a long way towards giving to others.


  • Ten Ways to uncover what you really want and need – Life Threads – add it to your library. (This is not a selfish act; just the opposite)


This is where the rubber really hits the road. This is measure of  your  level of commitment to track how your road blocks/challenges show up in your life. To recognize common patterns of resistance and how they are connected to core issues – that Life Lesson I mentioned.  And to begin to claim the unique expression of your Life Purpose – how does it feel, what might it look like?  It’s a co-creative process.
This is the time to gather the tools and support to consistently work on all of this from the outside in and inside out.



It’s time to take off the training wheels!  Dare to become who you are meant to be. Trial and error, experience is required. Can you do it? What adjustments need to be made? When you face the inevitable bumps on the new road, how do you react?  What focal point do you use to ground and re-balance yourself? Who plays the role of accountability and/or support partner?
This is learning to live your Life Purpose full on no matter what in all aspects of your life.

Working with an Ideal Client gives my life meaning…to witness the unfolding into the change you want. What gives you meaning?  Who is your Ideal Client and how do you want to work with them? Are you the ideal candidate for change?

May you thrive on your journey to live the life that gives you passion, purpose and good health!!

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