
THE GOOD CONVERSATIONS SERIES Starts early NOVEMBER 2024. Join us ONLINE for a 3 part series for some good conversations in the group and out in the world. Come away with new tools to connect and to be heard. Improve the quality of your relationships and change the world along the way! Email me to find out more.

LEVEL I HAND ANALYSIS TRAINING LIVE-IN PERSON Training, Spring 2025, Burlington VT • ONLINE Training, schedule varys. Email me for details. Visit our Study Page to delve more deeply

About Janet Savage

Janet Savage, Master Hand Analyst, Master Teacher and Master Story Teller

A Master Story Teller

Your hands contain a rich story. My job is to help you discover your authentic story. To help you sort through what is truly your story and what stories you have been told or have told yourself. The main theme of that true story is housed in the language of your soul purpose – found in your fingerprints. That’s our starting point.

When I began to study hands, I thought, can I really do this work? I have the rich data in hands down cold, but I’m not a psychic, an aura reader. Nor can I source past lives. Many of my fellow students proclaimed these gifts. What I have come to realize over the years is that all of us have intuitive gifts. Mine comes in the form of stories.

I seem to know the right stories to use to help your story come alive. The right references that you can relate to. For example, a client story about the courage it took to ask for what she needed to heal her relationship. Or sharing an image like trying to drive from the back seat of your car. Or describing your perfect partner match using characters from movies, literature or mythology.

A Master Hand Analyst

I’m proud to be 1 of 11 practicing Master Hand Analysts in the world certified by the International Institute of Hand Analysis.

Privileged to be your guide for personal transformation and success, I have helped tens of thousands of individuals discover, claim and live their Life Purpose. My clients hale from all continents except Antarctica! If only penguins had hands ……

The IIHA system is the most reliable and valid system of palmistry using the fingerprints as the focal point for personal discovery. Go here to learn more.

A Master Teacher

As 1 of 6 IIHA Master Teachers, I train seekers like you in this system of scientific hand analysis. I have undergone the most extensive teacher training the IIHA has to offer.

  • I tutored under Alana Unger, Richard Unger’s wife for 2 years
  • I completed 4 years of graduate training and supervision with the founder of the IIHA, Richard Unger, a pioneer in the world of palmistry and fingerprint analysis
  • I have taught the live Level I – part 1 and 2 – Intensive Course in Hand Analysis for the past 19 years
  • I co-teach the distance-based Certified Hand Analyst training with Ronelle Coburn, Master Teacher

Learn more about training with the Master Hand Analysts. Then scroll down on that page to learn all about us and our qualifications.

What I Bring to Hand Analysis

My previous profession spanned 30 years starting with a Masters Degree in Public Health and Nutrition from Columbia University in NYC. Working in government and academia and as a consultant, I specialized in Maternal and Child Health. Key skills gained include counseling, training and presentations, leadership and career development and adult education.

My mission is to use my 30 years of previous experience and my deep knowledge of the transformational power of your hands to guide you to a more meaningful life of love and service to self and others.

Have fun with this video interview with Jeanne Lynch – Spiritual Modalities for a Spiritual Life